This workshop combines insightful lectures with practical lab exercises to reinforce key concepts.
Who Should Attend?
B.E / B.Tech (ECE, AEI,EIE,EEE,CSE,ME)/M.E/ M.Tech/ B.Sc Electronics/Diploma Electronics
- Basic Electronics knowledge
Skills Gained
After completing this workshop, you will be able to:
- Appreciate how a PCB is made and understand the variations in construction.
- Evaluate the key aspects of a PCB design software.
- Gain hands-on experience of different PCB routing and placement techniques.
- Establish the important requirements of PCB manufacture.
1. Introduction to PCB Design
- Introduction to EDA
- What is PCB, brief history
- Trends in PCB Designing
- Understanding the PCB Design Flow
2. Concept of PCB Designing
- PCB Layers
- PADSTACK/Package/Vias/Tracks
- Multilayer concept
- PCB Materials
- Board construction
3. Schematic Editor
- Design software
- Understanding the Schematic Editor
- Drawing a Schematic
4. PCB Parts Creation
- Component creation technology
- Creating library & components
- Understanding Units
- Part Creation
- Package Creation
5. Starting PCB Design
- PCB and standards
- Defining Rules
- BOM Generation
- Part Creation
- Setting up environment for PCB
- Design a Board
- Layout designing & general design rules
- Multilayered PCB design consideration
- PCB component placement techniques
6. Routing Techniques
- PCB routing techniques - Manual and Automatic
- Introduction of Autorouting
- Setting up rules
- Defining Constraint
- Autorouter Setup
7. Board analysis
- Electromagnetic Analysis
- Parameter setup and running the analysis
- Thermal Analysis
- Parameter setup and running the analysis
8. Post Design
- Post processing techniques
- Generating post processing output using EDA/li>
- PCB manufacturing overview
- Gerber Generation
- NC Drill/Assembly Drawing
- IPC Standards
All above listed topics will be covered using the EDA software EDWinXP
2 days – 4 Sessions, 2 Theory sessions and 2 Practical sessions
Registration Details
Charges for the workshop are Rs 500/- per student. The number of seats is limited to 40.
Free Kit for Students contains
- Participation Certificate
- EDWinXP Evaluation CD
- Notepad
- Pen